What do you think will happen after the next presidential election? What’s the worst that could happen?

Richard Valdez ‏@BigRichValdez: What do you think will happen after the next presidential election? What’s the worst that could happen?


Nothing happens after an election. Nothing at all. Name me one election where anything has happened that has changed your life for the better.

Think about the last election:

– we kept the same Secretary of Defense

– the new Secretary of Treasury worked for Bush

– we stayed in the 2 wars we were in

– we kept open Guatanamo Bay

– Healthcare costs and student loan costs continued to rise

– unemployment went up, continuing the financial crisis

– Bush did a bailout. Obama did a bailout

– Bush made tax cuts. Obama continued them.

– Barack Obama has done the fewest vetos since Millard Fillmore. And for Bush, you have to go back to Warren Harding, who died early in his first term (note: I don’t count Abraham Lincoln, who essentially ran a dictatorship when he kicked out half the country].

– and on and on. Nothing changed. Nothing ever changes. What do we even need a President for? Do we really need such an expensive symbol?

As I’ve mentioned before, The Presidency is useless.

I vote for Nobody for President because nobody tells the truth.